CAPS 011: Equal Pay, Maternity Leave & Shared Parental Leave – What Are The Challenges Women Face with Michelle Gyimah

Podcast Notes

Hi, and welcome to The Caroline Arnold Podcast Show.

Today, we have Michelle Gyimah from Equality Pays with us.  Michelle is a gender equality consultant and will be talking about what is the biggest challenge around equal pay in companies and what to do if you feel there is an issue with yours. We will then be discussing maternity and in particular focusing on shared parental leave.

So, lets get rights into the interview. Michelle, thank you so much for joining us today.

Questions asked during the podcast show:

What has been your career journey so far?

What do you do now?

What is shared parental leave?

In your experience, what is the level of takeup?

What aren’t men taking this opportunity up?

Is there a stigma for men taking shared parental leave?

Do you find that women are wishing for the full twelve months off themselves?

What do you find is the biggest challenge around equal pay in companies?

Where else do you recommend women to go for more information if they think there is an issues with their pay? Go to Equally Commission.

What do you find are the biggest challenges for women returning from maternity leave and how can companies and women help each other?

What book do you recommend for listeners to read – The Big Leap

Where can people go to find more information about your company? For more information about Michelle Gyimah please do visit her website here.