Monthly Archives: October 2017

Today is World Smile Day

Today is World Smile Day® and this year’s theme is ‘little acts of kindness’.

So today I am sharing three videos from my Facebook page that focus on kindness.

What can you do to celebrate World Smile Day and spread kindness?


3 ways to be kind to yourself

We’re all pretty good at saying kind things to others, but are we kind enough to ourselves? Take some time to be kind to yourself, recognise your achievements and boost your self-belief.

You can watch the video on how to be kind to yourself here.

3 ways to spread kindness 

Emotional well being is so important when our lives are so hectic. The video focuses on how to be kind to yourself, in this video I am giving you 3 tips on being kind to others.

You can watch the video on how to spread kindness here.

3 kind things to do in the office 

Look around your office and see if a colleague could benefit from a coffee or a helping hand. You can watch the video for more ideas on how to be kind in the office here.