Author Archives: caroline

Caps 007: Career Tips Helping You Be More Successful with Keesa Schreane From Thomson Reuters

Hi and welcome to The Caroline Arnold Podcast Show.

Today, we have Keesa Schreane from New York with us. Keesa is a technology marketer at Thomson Reuters, she is also a STEM advisor for the Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, volunteer at Black Girls Code, as well as benign the board of BRISC. Keesa is going to share with us her career journey so far, what has helped her be successful and her three tips to help you be more successful.

So, let’s get right into the interview. Keesa, thank you so much for joining us today.

What has been your career journey so far?

What does Thomson Reuters do?

What does your current role involve?

What has helped you in your career be successful?

What are your top three career tips for women who want to be more successful?

You are a stem advisor for the Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, what does this involve and what is the aim of the organisation?

You are also on the Brisc for the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone development corporation. Can you explain to us what this corporation is, what they aim to achieve and how you are involved?

Which book do you recommend to listeners to read?

Where can people go to find more information about you?

Your Special Invite To Join My Free Beta Course

I am bringing together a group of ten fabulous women who are looking to take their career to the next level and want to be part of my BETA Group for my online course Get Confident and Accelerate Your Career.

The online course will officially go live later this year but for now I am looking for 10 motivated and committed women who are willing to do everything that it takes to get more confident and take their career to the next level and want to be part of this exciting live training course.

Whats in it for you?

If selected you will get access to the newest training, live coaching calls, accountability and a private Facebook group so that you can interact with others.

Plus, it is completely and utterly free!

All I ask is that you complete the program and provide your honest opinion of the course. What did you love, what annoyed you, what was missing and what would you change!

But there is a catch!

I am sending this out to all of my social media following and there are only 10 FREE SPACES.

So, if you are serious about taking your career to the next level then apply quickly and secure your spot!

Weekly Course Outline 

1. Increase your confidence & set career goals

2. Get an outstanding CV

3. Update your LinkedIn profile so recruiters find you!

4. How to use recruitment companies in your career search

5. How to network your way to a new job

6. How to nail that interview

What do you get?

  • Weekly Live Q&A calls
  • Private Facebook group so you can meet others who are in a similar situation to you
  • Access to webinars
  • Weekly Worksheets
  • Weekly Checklists to keep you on track
  • PDF Resources of books, websites and podcasts
  • CV Template
  • List of recruitment firms
  • List of CV Power Words

Want in? 

Application Process

Apply HERE by emailing me at with the below information:

1. Name

2. Email

3. Answer to the below 3 Questions

1. Why do you want in to this course and how will you benefit?

2. What is the number 1 thing that you would want to have or experience by the end of the course?

3. What 1 thing do you want to work on?

Closing Date for applications is 4th September 2016 so don’t wait too long to apply!

Course will go Live 21st September.

Length of Course is 6 weeks.

Any questions please email me HERE.

Please note there are no refunds or guarantees of this course.

First Person To Send their answers gets a bonus free 1 hour coaching call with me worth £200.00

Why am I doing this?

Yes, I am looking for feedback on the course, case studies and testimonials but I know that you will also benefit from the course. So it is truly a Win Win!

Four Tips to Revolutionize Your Weekend!

Are you counting down the hours till you can leave the office and enjoy the weekend?

Perhaps you’re looking forward to a quick Saturday morning run and then drinks and dinner with friends in the evening?

Or is this more like you?:

You get home on a Friday, exhausted mentally but then struggle to switch off from work. Because of that you wake up in a sweat at 2am panicking because you can’t remember if you sent your boss that promised email.

Then you wake up on Saturday groggy and grumpy and in the mood to pick a fight with your boyfriend. You don’t mean to but you just can’t seem to turn your brain off from work and relax and enjoy the weekend.

If that sounds like you then I can completely relate!

Until I started doing these 4 simple changes I really struggled to unwind at the weekend. So Sunday evening would come round with me wondering where the weekend had gone and why I wasn’t I feeling rested and ready for the new week ahead.

So here they are. 4 achievable yet effective tips to change your weekend from washout to wonderful:

1. Achievements list
Every Friday afternoon get into the habit of taking five minutes to write down all of your achievements – both at work and in your personal life.

Maybe you delivered a great presentation at work or implemented a new system. It could be that you tried a new bar with friends and managed to get to the gym twice in a week.

Write down at least 10 things but aim for 20. I tackle the task by going through my diary to see what meetings I’ve had and what I got from them.

2. Gratitude
With your achievements list done spend another two minutes writing at least 20 things in your life to be grateful for.

It could be something as seemingly insignificant as a sunny day, lunch with colleagues or a painting done by your kids.

If you initially struggle try thinking of things you would miss if they weren’t in your life.

3. Brain dump
Spend a few minutes writing everything down that’s on your mind: things that you need to still do at work, things you need to do at home, the shopping on the way home etc, etc.

With everything written down you can move on to the last stage: planning the week to come.

4. Plan the forthcoming week
With your brain dump complete go through every point and schedule it in for the next week. Then make a note of anything that you need to do that coming weekend – such as picking up a present for a friend.

By doing this brain dump and planning the next week you won’t wake up with the cold sweats at 2am on Saturday morning worrying about what you haven’t done.

I use these Worksheets to block out activities and then know what I’m doing and when:

The weekend is time for you to enjoy yourself, relax in front of a movie enjoying a takeaway with deliveroo delivery or catching up with friends and family.

Follow these simple tips and you’ll find that you start the weekend on a positive note and end it ready to embrace the week ahead.

Create A Kickass Life

Why do I need a coach?

As an executive coach I’m often asked: ‘Why do I need you as my coach?’

This is a fair enough question and one that’s best answered by my turning the tables and asking that person questions. Questions designed to make them think.

Questions such as these:

Do you love Sunday evenings because you’re excited about starting a new week?

Do you wake before your alarm and feel energized about the day ahead?

Are you doing what you’re passionate about?

Are you putting up with things that you shouldn’t be?

Do you plan activities so that you have something to look forward to during the day?

Do people comment on your positivity or are you struggling to get through the day?

Do you have what you really want?

Do you have a kickass life?

If you answer ‘no’ to any or all of the above then coaching will help you to get what you what.

Watching the Olympics I’m reminded of how powerful a team of experts can be. Those athletes aren’t winning that gold on their own. They have a team of sport and behavioural coaches, nutritionists and physiotherapists – the list goes on. But all of those experts are there to provide support and get their athletes to that podium – and they couldn’t do it on their own.

I currently have 3 coaches helping me achieve my different goals.

So ask yourself this:

Do you want to feel more confident, get a pay rise or a new job? Do you yearn for recognition and validation from your employer?

Do you want a stronger relationship with your partner or to have the confidence to take up dance classes?

Wherever you want to be I’ll be there to help you get there.

We’ll discuss your personal and professional goals with you setting the agenda for our sessions.

You may find that in one session you want to discuss applying for a new job and the lack of readiness you feel for it.

In another you may simply feel the need to chew the fat about your boyfriend who is putting on his ‘Mr Fix-it’ hat – when all you want him to do is listen, pass the chocolate, agree what an idiot your colleague is being and hug you!

I will offer support,  insist that you celebrate your successes and ensure that you leave every coaching session motivated to take action.

I may also challenge you to think differently about a situation or to see the discussion from your team’s eyes and how you may improve your effect in a positive way.

If you want to take that first step to achieving what you want then email me at

And let’s talk!

CAPS 005: How Networking Can Help You Find Your Next Role

In this podcast episode Philippa Constable, founder of Women Mean Biz, talks about the importance of networking and how it may help you get your next job.

You will learn:

Why networking is important and what are the benefits.

Three tips to get the most out of networking

What the best questions to ask when networking

What you can do after networking to follow up with people that you have met.

CAPS 003: Is The Safety Industry Male Dominated?


In this podcast episode we hear from Laura Cleaver who is a Health & Safety Partner, brand leader and contract specialist at the HSE Recruitment Network. Laura is going to be talking about her career journey so far and her role within the Health and Safety arena which can be a male dominated industry.

In this episode you will learn:

Laura’s three top career tips for women who want to be more successful.

What has helped Laura be successful in here career which may help you.

What the safety industry is doing to promote and support more women into the safety industry.

CAPS 002: What Is Unconscious Bias And How Does It Impact Our Decisions


In this podcast episode Caroline Gourlay, a business psychologist will be talking about what unconscious bias is and the impact it can have on us at work. Caroline will be sharing her experience of working with companies so that we can be more aware of our unconscious biases.

You will learn

What is Unconscious bias and why do we have these biases.

How you can be more aware of these biases.

What impact your unconscious biases can have on recruitment decisions.


CAPS 006: Why Using A Recruitment Consultant Can Save You Time

In this podcast episode we have Julia Geens, a recruitment consultant at StopGap, talk about the advantages of using a recruitment agency if you are job searching or growing your team.

You will learn:

The benefits of using a recruitment agency to help you find the right role if you are job searching or the right candidate if you are recruiting.

How to know which recruitment consultant is right for you.

What the process is once you have registered with an agency.

CAPS 004: How To Manage Challenges You May Face In The Workplace


In this podcast episode we have Sarah Nolan, Head of Commercial and Employment Law of the Jackson Canter Group talk about her career journey. Sarah shares with us how she motivated herself to work full time as a paralegal whilst studying law at night school.

In this episode you will learn

What some of the challenges are that women still face in the corporate environment

How to overcome these challenges